Dear Hostony,

What gives?

I have lost my patience.

My site, email and all other services on it have been going on and off.

Needless to say, I never get an answer why, I only receive responses like "Your site is up and running", and to top it off, "Good luck" is the only thing you can say?!?

Listen, I can understand that every system has problems and sometimes things go wrong, but there is no excuses for the same thing happening a dozen times in a row.

This leads me to believe the only thing you have are people who know how to reboot the machines, for actually solving the problems and not letting them happen again seem to be very difficult.

Please, is there any way someone from the Hostony staff can give an answer on what is going on, and when it is going to be solved?

I have been a solid customer for this company for a while now, but the problems are just becoming more and more frequent, with service breaks that not only affect me personally in communicating, but also has serious repercussions to the people that use my sites.

Anyway, I will stop ranting now, for all I seem to win with this is a momentary peace of mind. Sadly, it is only momentary, for all the shit still hits the fan, and all I get is "Good luck!"...

How pathetic...

Cheers, for whatever it is worth.
server 21
ticket 15297