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Full Version: Starting my Web-site
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I joined Hostony and picked my domain. I was interested in creating at least 3 different web-sites and was told I could do this. I went onto CPanel and created the other 2 domain names. I have created 2 simple pages for my first web-site and would like to know how to load them so my site is up and running. I'm not sure what to do from here. sad.gif
For the main domain you should upload files to public_html/.
For addon domains you should upload files to public_html/folder_name_which_you_specify_for_this_domain/.
How will the system know the pages I upload are for a different web-site then the main one? When I go into file manager I don't see where to indicate what pages are for which sites. Even if I put it in a folder with the 2nd site's name, how will it know that those pages will then show up on the web under the 2nd website name when I look up the page on-line wink.gif ?
when you add an "addon" domain (extra domain), a new folder for your domain will appear in your "public_html" folder.


if you add a new domain,, you need specify a folder for the domain, like "yourdomain/", so the new folder will be created in your main "public_html" folder.



this is the web folder for your new domain, put the files for your new domain in this folder and all will be ok.

dry.gif smile.gif

Even if I put it in a folder with the 2nd site's name, how will it know that those pages will then show up on the web under the 2nd website name when I look up the page on-line wink.gif ?

"the trust is out there"
OK, thanks for the tip. I went in and found the public_html/addon _domain_name folder and uploaded the pages in there. I think I must be missing the final important step, so I'm sorry if I sound ignorant but I am trying to learn this from scratch, after all! smile.gif OK, so now that the files are in there, I then typed the website name on my internet server and it can't find anything. How do I get it to show up under my web-site name on-line now that the files are in the correct place?
Please tell me your domain name.
I'll try to help you.
The main domain is but I added on and Currently I'm trying to get up on the internet.
The names are not registered and to get them up in the web, you should register them with any domain registrar.
I don't understand how it could not be registered. What did I pay for when I joined Hostony? before I joined I was told I could host up to 10 different sites with my payment and all I would need to do is add the domains in my cPanel, which I have done.

My husband asked a co-worker to help with this and he was able to get up on the internet, how is that possible if the site was not registered with Hostony when I joined?

I also want to add that I tried e-mailing support@hostony about this and they did bring this point up and asked me to talk to billing. I wrote billing at the address they gave and have not heard a response back and it's been 2 days which is too long to keep something hanging.

Please help answer these questions...thank you.
With any shared plan you get one free domain name. Besides Special package allows you to host 10 separate domain names. But to get them up you need to register the domain names separately. We've registered as a free option for you so it is up and running now.

We advised you to ask billing department about it so the domain registration costs $14.85 per domain/year.
OK, that makes sense. I just have one last question. If I happen to register the other 2 omain names somewhere else besides Hostony, will there be any additional steps I'd need to take to get my pages up? Or does it just mean the sites are registered and anything I load to my file manager in cPanel will instantly connect to that page, regardless of where I registered them at?
Dear ajoymeye
You should only register your domains with nameservers which hostony provided you with and anything you load to your file manager in cPanel will instantly connect to that page.
I have authorized registration of my add on domains and they should by up by the 18th. My main domain,, I am trying to change the home page. I created something simple, just to test changing the page out but it does not seem to be working. I went into cPanel and tried uploading the file, I named index.html, and I put it in the main folder, the www folder, the public_ftp folder, & the public_html folder. When I checked the site, the old page still pops up. What else should I be doing to get my home page up and running on my main domain. Where do I load the home page, and all the links that will branch off from it?
Here is a code I see now on your page:

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Please describe what I should see.
Well, when I first looked at the page, after just saving the new page on cPanel, it still showed a black backgroud with text that had a name and phone number. Th?t was the original page. I just checked it and now it's a grey background, but nothing else is showing. The page I tried to create tonight was a grey background with blue circles and text, and it looked like that in the "Web Page Preview" window I viewed before saving it and loading it to the cPanel. I'm not sure why nothing else is showing, or why you are seeing the code.
I've open you page and viewed its source from my browser.

Try to create a simple page, e.h. one string only and see whether it's updated.
OK, but once I create that, which folder am I supposed to save it in? Since I saved it in several folders yesterday, I'm not sure which was the right one for the main domain.
To fix the problem I need to know you main domain name and your addon's name.
Thank you beforehand. wink.gif
I'm trying to load something on my main domain name:

After I get that working, then I'll want to load items on my add on domains:
I have a second question. How long does it take for the web-site to update, once new files have been uploaded to the File Manager in cPanel?
QUOTE(ajoymeye @ Feb 22 2005, 02:40 AM)
I have a second question.  How long does it take for the web-site to update, once new files have been uploaded to the File Manager in cPanel?

you should see it immediately. maybe you have to clear the browser cache (Shift and "reload" button).

Best regards,
Thanks Oliver.

Earlier today I loaded 2 pages into the public_html but nothing changed on my main domain's site. Was I supposed to put it within a folder in that area for my main domain? I heard that the add on domains' files are to go within a folder in the public_html folder, but was still never told where the main domain's files are supposed to be uploaded.

Any help on this would be appriciated so I can test it out!
I can see only grey background.

In you public_html folder I have found these index pages: equil
I see your problem rolleyes.gif

<meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Word 10">

Word is not the best tool to create webpages.
This is a "lo-fi" version of our main content. To view the full version with more information, formatting and images, please click here.
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